
Use Prevalent In A Sentence

Synonym: common, current, customary, stylish, general, popular, standard, universal, usual, well-known, widespread. Similar words: equivalent, clashing, prevail, ambivalence, equivalence, equivalency, prevaricate, prevarication. Meaning: ['prevələnt] adj. encountered more often than not particularly at the present fourth dimension.

Random good moving-picture show Not evidence

1) The prevalent stance is in favour of reform.

two) These diseases are more prevalent among young children.

3) This condition is more prevalent in women than in men.

4) The disease is even more prevalent in Latin America.

5) Is malaria all the same prevalent among the populationhere?

6) Exogamy remains much less prevalent amongst African Americans.

7) Solvent abuse is especially prevalent amidst younger teenagers.

8) The prevalent view is that involvement rates will fall.

9) Drugs, glue sniffing and under-age drinking are prevalent amongst the older teenagers.

ten) These prejudices are particularly prevalent amongst people living in the North.

xi) The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent amidst these people.

12) This belief is more prevalent among men than women.

13) This state of affairs is prevalent in the machine market.

14) The trend is specially prevalent among migratory birds.

15) Above 8 the toxic form becomes increasingly more prevalent.

16) Two philosophies are especially prevalent among kindergarten teachers.

17) The latter is more than prevalent than you lot might call up.

xviii) Tuberculosis and malnutrition were prevalent,( as was rickets.

19) Prevalent conservation orthodoxy advocates protection through production.

20) Flu is near prevalent during the winter months.

21) Feeding bug are more prevalent among low birth-weight babies.

22) Both damp and condensation were more than prevalent amid public, as opposed to individual, houses.

23) It explodes the myth prevalent among pupils at school that history graduates mainly become history teachers.

24) Inevitably, unintended pregnancies were more than prevalent among the aforementioned groups.

25) Copse are dying in areas where acrid rain is most prevalent.

26) The addiction of travelling by shipping is condign more prevalent each year.

27) The addiction of travelling by plane is becoming more than prevalent.

28) Currently, the show is suggesting that both the motives and the actions are more prevalent than was previously supposed.

29) This was especially significant for a club in which demonic possession was so prevalent and feared.

30) Rotting guavas and fruit flies that hover around them are also prevalent on the ridge route.

i) These diseases are more prevalent among immature children.

two) This condition is more prevalent in women than in men.

3) Exogamy remains much less prevalent amid African Americans.

4) The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people.

5) The habit of travelling by aeroplane is condign more prevalent.

More than similar words: equivalent, ambivalent, prevail, ambivalence, equivalence, equivalency, prevaricate, lie, talent, talented, talentless, malevolent, prevent, malevolently, prevention, preventive, revamp, vale, evaluate, medieval, crevasse, evaluation, unrivaled, alleviate, agenda, malevolence, previous, previously, relent, silent.

Use Prevalent In A Sentence,


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